Bible Study Workbook for Kids – My New Book!

Yes indeed. I wrote another book, Bible Study Workbook for Kids! If you are unaware of my first book, you can find it here on Amazon. You can also read a bit more info on it here on my blog. My new book, Bible Study Workbook for Kids: Lessons,...
She’s 8.

She’s 8.

8 years ago today, 10 pounds and 5 ounces of joy was birthed into my world. My youngest. My youngest is 8, and when *they* say *it* goes by fast... *they* are not lying. Oh my heck. Lucy means light. I deeply believe that Lucy lives up to her name. She has boundless...

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Our family grew by four feet/paws and stuff…

Our family grew by four feet/paws and stuff…

I was totally going to write about something funny that one of the kids did. BECAUSE WHO DOESN'T WANT TO READ ABOUT HOW FUNNY MY KIDS ARE? And then I forgot what it was I was going to write about. Because, unlike math, forgetting is something in which I EXCEL. If...

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Without rhyme or reason. Both can be so overrated.

Without rhyme or reason. Both can be so overrated.

My photo organization system is a HOT MESS. I'm not talking photo organization in a *scrapbooking* sort-of way, but in an *I have an iPhone and DSLR and even take pictures of the grass growing* kind-of way. How many pictures of coffee cups sitting on a table or next...

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Tanning Mishap? Oooooh Yeah, I’ve Been There…

Tanning Mishap? Oooooh Yeah, I’ve Been There…

I didn't clear the 80's until I turned 18. Read: I KNOW ALL ABOUT TANNING MISHAPS.Fortunately, my mishaps (yes, PLURAL… because I am a slow learner and perhaps even have a leeeteele touch of optimism in this worldly-wise heart) never quite matched the mishap of THAT...

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Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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