I was totally going to write about something funny that one of the kids did.
And then I forgot what it was I was going to write about.
Because, unlike math, forgetting is something in which I EXCEL.
If there’s one thing I remember… I am AWESOME at forgetting.
Hey, we all have our strengths.
Maybe I was going to write about the time (a few weeks ago) when Lucy found out about the role she landed for a play she tried out for …and she fell on the floor, started pulling at her arm, and yelled, “I’M SO EXCITED I JUST WANT TO PULL MY ARM OFF!”
That was funny.
You know what else is funny?
It’s funny in a more ironic use of the word, funny…
See that little pup moving in on Kevin’s territory?
That’s Angus Kiplain Perry-Ingram.
A.K.A. Gus.
Yep. Our family grew by four feet this last weekend.
Unimpressed Kevin is a bit jealous. But I think in time Kevin will be thankful.
I hope.
Really, the timing couldn’t be much worse, but sometimes… the week after you start homeschooling your youngest daughter, and the day before you leave your family for a week to go be with your mom and dad because your dad just had triple bypass… you need to get a puppy.
I swear we cope in the most non-coping ways.
The family finally agreed upon a name – Gus.
But I really, REALLY wanted to name him Laptop…
Go ahead. Take your last breath.
The cute.
It kills.
Welcome, Gus.
What. On earth. Have we done…