Bible Study Workbook for Kids – My New Book!

Yes indeed. I wrote another book, Bible Study Workbook for Kids! If you are unaware of my first book, you can find it here on Amazon. You can also read a bit more info on it here on my blog. My new book, Bible Study Workbook for Kids: Lessons,...
Windows 8 Apps for Dads and Grads!

Windows 8 Apps for Dads and Grads!

Oh yeah. We've made it through Valentine's Day aaaaaand Mother's day. Now it's time to focus on those dads and grads. Windows 8 is a pretty magical operating system, and when using any Windows 8 device... there are a few cool apps that your dad or grad might...

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Finding Emo: A Memo On Carnival Goldfish

Finding Emo: A Memo On Carnival Goldfish

The small town carnival. Yes. Breathe in... can you smell the corn dogs... the cotton candy... the elephant ears... and occasionally... ... port-a-potties? Carnivals. The underbelly of the Disney-like experience. The amusement park for the common man. A fraction of...

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GoGosqueeZ for the Perfect Finish!

GoGosqueeZ for the Perfect Finish!

It was that time of year again - SCHOOL FUN RUN TIME! 3.1 miles of family feet pounding the pavement at varying speeds. Some kids took off - almost with fire on their heels! While others kept stride with family or friends as they chatted, cheered, and breathed a bit...

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A Case of the Mondays: In Which I Apologize to Monday.

A Case of the Mondays: In Which I Apologize to Monday.

"A case of the Mondays..." No one wants a case of THAT. But you know what? I'm going to go on record and say... Mondays get a bad wrap. And I want to apologize to Monday. It's almost like Mondays are Mom and the weekends are Dad. Dad is wrestling with the kids and...

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Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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