Bible Study Workbook for Kids – My New Book!

Yes indeed. I wrote another book, Bible Study Workbook for Kids! If you are unaware of my first book, you can find it here on Amazon. You can also read a bit more info on it here on my blog. My new book, Bible Study Workbook for Kids: Lessons,...
Thank Goodness for Waiting Rooms

Thank Goodness for Waiting Rooms

My youngest, Lucy, has been in my homeschool system for, oh... 2 months. Give or take a week. We've done lots of worksheets. We've done lots of reading. We've done lots of writing. She's done lots of pogo-stick-jumping. I've done a bit more teeth grinding and rocking...

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Give Your Mom Some LOVE!

Give Your Mom Some LOVE!

Mark your calendars… It happens EVERY. YEAR. … Mother's Day. The day we get to celebrate the lives that gave us life. Or at least be all, "Hey… thanks Mom..." Since I am a mom, I am TOTALLY on board with this holiday! Mama deserves a little thanks… a nod… a clever...

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For Your Browsing Pleasure: Stuff On The Web

For Your Browsing Pleasure: Stuff On The Web

It has been a tragic and difficult week. Nationally, and close to home. I go round and round in my head about how or if to add my two cents to the billions of cents being spoken. We are all heartbroken. I don't feel that my role here is to bring news. Nor expand on...

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Make-A-Wish – World Wish Day

Make-A-Wish – World Wish Day

Once upon a time a 7 year old boy was granted a wish... to be a police officer for the day.That was 30 years ago... That one wish 30 years ago inspired the founding of what we know today as the Make-A-Wish®  program. Since then more than 226,000 wishes have been...

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A note about getting stuff did and earning things.

A note about getting stuff did and earning things.

I've been on a mission lately... Like 007, but with less international mystery. And they will NEVER want to make a movie out of it. Whoever THEY are... I've been TRYING to get a bit of a schedule in place because when my feet hit the floor in the morning, I often only...

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Did you know flowers make people happy?

I don’t believe any of us need scientific evidence to know that flowers make people happy. I'm sure you don't need to see scientific research for you to believe flowers make people happy. But there IS scientific research behind this claim. Check out my post up on the...

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Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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