Bible Study Workbook for Kids – My New Book!

Yes indeed. I wrote another book, Bible Study Workbook for Kids! If you are unaware of my first book, you can find it here on Amazon. You can also read a bit more info on it here on my blog. My new book, Bible Study Workbook for Kids: Lessons,...
The GUILT To-Do List

The GUILT To-Do List

I just invented something. The GUILT To-Do List Now before you go judging me... Oh I don't even care - judge away. I just need to make a point.... Guilt can be bad, but it can also be good. False guilt is not good - like feeling guilty that someone's feelings got hurt...

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Typical Pacific Northwesterner is Typical #GoHawks

Typical Pacific Northwesterner is Typical #GoHawks

What? Just because the Superbowl is over, it doesn't mean I can talk about it anymore. Also: Typical Pacific Northwesterner is Typical: And what is Super Bowl Sunday without COFFEE? #GoHawks And BEAST MODE and whathaveyou. And you gotta love an overpriced ice cream...

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A Walk In The Park and Wise Parenting Words

A Walk In The Park and Wise Parenting Words

Not too many days ago, Lucy and I went for... a walk in the park. We are not experiencing a polar vortex here. But at 37 degrees, it was a chilly walk. Due to grading days and school work days, Lucy had a few days off. Since Lucy is the youngest we tend to get these...

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Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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