O.K. So. THAT didn’t go EXACTLY as I expected.
In my defense, when I filmed this I still had not yet had my coffee. Not unlike a druggie without his “fix” for the day (or for the hour, I dunno the kinds of schedules druggies keep. Aaaaanywho…). However, a few lessons can be pulled from this experience. I am a giver, so to spare you the agony of making these same mistakes yourself, here are a few hints before filming footage for your next video/vlog post:
- Consider background. The trash can is not the ideal background. A tacky-looking, dusty silk plant from your churchs’ foyer is better than a trash can… unless you are making a video of trash cans, of course.
- Beware: apparently the camera brings out one’s “Valley Girl” accent. What’s up with that?
- Wear make-up.
- Have a cuppa coffee.
- Fix your hair. For goodness sake, find a flippin’ brush. It ain’t that hard.
- Wear some glitter, it distracts from real-life flaws. And it’s fun.
- Use a tripod. For so many reasons, Use. A. Tripod.
*still rubbing eyes* Really? What about: promised land, hope, glory, perfection, world peace & harmony ???
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If you need a new editor, I’m available.
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