My kids crack me up.
My kids also make me cry.
A Family Adventure: The Corn Maze
I am in a constant state of overwhelm when it comes to my offspring… the greatest of joys and the deepest of frustrations.
Our outing to a local corn maze on Saturday was an extended time of joy for me as a mom. I watched my kids work together to make it through the corn maze. We laughed. We wandered, and the only sense of urgency was toward the end when the girls needed to pee. But we made it. Praise! Be! *raises hand to Heaven*.
A pee accident would have totally ruined everything.
See? Joy to desperation in one flex of an not-completely-trained 3-year-old bladder… I am thrilled there was no accident. I can’t even express how truly, deeply happy that makes me.
If you had asked me 20 years ago, “Jenny, what do you think would be one of the highlights of your 30’s?” I NEVER would have guessed that having an accident-free outing with my family would be at the top of the list.
It COMPLETELY eclipses things like world travel and world domination. Just pee-pee on the potty for the youngest. That’s my life goal.
Here we are, having a wonderful time as a family…
It’s a sickness. I love rules.
Look! The maze is the the shape of an Orca whale!
Family meeting: What’s the game plan, folks?
We made it! Joel was so impressed by our corn maze skillz!