You know you are online a wee-bit too much when…

by | Oct 28, 2011 | General, Life, Social Media & Tech | 2 comments

You go to Google to search for something you misplaced in your own home

I google for lost stuff

Has anyone ever done this?

Or maybe…

lost keys

Looks like I’m not the only one.

In my own defense… I only got to the point where I went to my computer and typed “goog” into my browser when I realized Google would not help me find that one book I was looking for.

Related… Google Maps cannot help you find the aisle Central Market keeps their Velveeta.

Also, don’t buy Velveeta at Central Market.


I digress. This was about me and not the price of Velveeta.

P.S. Central Market has eggnog!!! LIFE IS GOOOOOOD!

This also was not a post about Central Market, nor eggnog.

My amends.

The fact of the matter is, there comes a point where one must take a look at oneself and one’s reliance on the onlines.

When one’s knee-jerk reaction to finding something sends one to Google to find a misplaced item in one’s own home  – one must reassess.

Update: I found my book. Under a pile of papers. With no help from Goggle, thankyouverymuch.

It was… you know… exactly where I left it.

maybe a some sleep is in order

I think somebody needs a nap.


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