This was going to be a Facebook status update, but it turned into a blog post.

by | Jun 21, 2011 | The Confessional | 9 comments

I cut and pasted instead of posting on the FB:

Unrelated or not unrelated to my last post… some people test my strength of character. Like the part of my character where I only make fun of stupid people behind their backs. What? Like you don’t. Some people make it very hard for me to hold my tongue and not make a big-ol “I’m Totally Making Fun of Your Dumb Face Neener-Neener” vlog or something. But I’m bigger than that. Clearly. Hi Tuesday. My name is Jenny and I need an attitude adjustment… and maybe a margarita. Or 7.

The following is the status update before the above status update I never “shared because I decided to blog it instead:

Either I am highly irritable or people are incredibly stupid or I am not drinking enough coffee or I am not wearing enough glitter or people are incredibly stupid. OK. Rant done. And Tuesday… what we gonna do?

Here’s the skinny folks… the real deal about ‘ol Jenny On the Spot…

Sure, I sometimes party with shirtless firemen. With cheese slice welts.

*fans face*

But life is life, and sometimes in this life there are sparkle stealers… be they people or be they circumstance.

And then there are those that steal sparkle so profoundly, the story of their sparkle stealing would make for some great blog content… and even greater VLOG content.

But I am not about slander.

Or talking poorly about people.

At least not naming them by name… nor even describing the circumstance.


  1. It’s a small world. I don’t want anyone to key my car or start making meany-meany comments on my blog.
  2. I don’t want to be a sparkle stealer. “Do unto others…”
  3. In the spirit of keeping it real, #2 should be #1 but I  SO much struggle with being nice this moment, the external consequence is a MUCH bigger influence in my effort at being non-specific in this moment.
  4. And whathaveyou

So… I WILL admit that at times I having feelings of revenge and I may rant confide in my besties in times of frustration, angst or hurt… But I will continue to refrain from speaking ill of others in the onlines. Or in general company. Like the coffee shop or at a park playdate.

It doesn’t mean I don’t want to. I am nowhere near THAT noble.

*Remember, I don’t want anyone to key my car…. #externalconsequences

I am actually quite selfish and self-serving.

Besides, you wouldn’t even know who I am talking about. Actually, it would be probably about 6 “people”… all acting independently… vexing very different areas of my life.

Stealing sparkle. Stealing valuable Facebook status update real-estate space.

And apparently blog real-state.

But I felt I needed to tell you. I struggle. In real life, for me… being sparkly is a choice… not a default.

Gossip? Slander?


*grips chest*

Not my thing.

So. Now? I go forward on this Tuesday… a coffee in my hand. Perhaps I will make sure my angry music is loaded on my Shuffle, and maybe I’ll go for a run while the kids are in VBS this morning. Or do whatever the H-E-doublehocketsticks I want.

Or clean the house.

We are hosting the huz’s company BBQ on Friday. And my son turns 12 on Thursday. And a gum graft next Tuesday.


I mean, *SPARKLE*.

*insert choosing here*


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Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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