This and That: “I Can Haz” Edition

by | Jun 10, 2011 | Blog | 3 comments

Oh! I just want to shake my shoulders.




Not exactly the most riveting post titles. In fact, these titles generally irk my chain? Yank my chain? Tell me, when you see a title like Tidbits, do you just go wild with curiosity?


However, the title today is This and That… more proof that I more than anyone else… get on my nerves.


I have ONE.

But “This and That”…


I can haz badges!!! And you can haz one too!

Thank you to The Huz for his skills in graphics and badges and thanks to my friend @jennheffer (blog here) for the last nudge to get that project check of the bloggy to-do list! They can also be found in my far right side bar…


I can haz winners!


These are the two very happy winners from my Universal Orlando Resort giveaway! Congrats Carina and Michelle! SO MUCH!!!


I can haz reading glasses!

I in my reading glasses

Lucy chose them. They have sparkles. I have to wear them with my contacts… on account of the fact I am near-sighted…

Oh. I am also OLD-SIGHTED.


I can haz Viking cookies!!!

Viking Cookies

Our very best local bakery makes yellow happy faces and blue sad faces. I went in the other day (don’t judge me… the power of The Baked Goods is strong, it is…) and I saw these!

Funny how a Viking cookie can make a girl proud of her fair Faux-wegian village. Gotta love it here…

Alrighty. I’m out. Happy Friday and whathaveyou…

Peace and sparkles…


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Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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