13 Things I Learned at Family Camp

by | Sep 1, 2004 | Family & Friends, Joel, Olivia, Parenting/Family | 3 comments

Last weekend we went camping at  Camp Casey on Whidbey Island. 

13 Things I Learned at Family Camp

1. Double check the hooks beneath the bed you are sleeping on in a tent trailer. Sometimes they come undone when kids discover they are a fun way to getting in and out of the tent trailer… I learned children (my daughter) can fall through the opening at 1 am. She fell right back to sleep. Mom, however, did not 😉

2. 18 families + 3 or more days camping  + millions (maybe fewer) of end-of-season crazed yellow jackets = approximately 26 stings. Olivia took one for our family (on her eye lid).

3. Olivia is not allergic to bees.

4. Laughter really is the best medicine. 

5. Camp with these people! I went up a day before my hubby, and melted down hours before he arrived. My campadres (see what I did there) took my kids and fed them lunch while I went to another friend’s camper to decompress. I ate pita chips dipped in cream cheese and salmon, cheese cubes and chunks of beef! It was a protein feast! I wept openly and was comforted in my pregnant, run-down mom of 2 preschoolers state.

6. It’s a great time to get to know new people, and learn about the people you “know”.

7. Joel will take off nearly a quarter mile to the beach by himself to throw rocks in the water – yikes!

8. When good friends find your 5 year old alone at the beach (with wet pants from pee because he couldn’t find a bathroom! – at least it wasn’t because he’d gone in!), they bring him back and are so kind to you, even though you feel like you deserve to have CPS called on you!

9. Gogurt will almost definitely secure a yellow jacket sting.

10. I like it when my husband camps with us:)

11. Joel will follow a group of older boys to the field (close to the beach mentioned in #7) despite the discipline the day before.

12. Twinkies take an unbelievable amount of time to burn in a campfire. Preservatives… creepy. I still love Twinkies though:)


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