Other mothers

by | Sep 29, 2007 | Lucy, Parenting/Family | 2 comments

Other mothers exhaust me.

Let’s take swim lessons, for example. 

Lucy has a love/hate relationship with water. She has been known to ooze, “I love you Wa Wa” as we drive onto the ferry. Yet she screams like a tortured victim from some “B” horror flick when her face gets wet while bathing. Then there is me, and my bright ideas… knowing our month would be difficult, but I still signed her up for swim lessons.

Lucy screamed, “NO! NO! NO!” (in varying decibels and inflections) to her teacher when asked if she was ready to use the kick board. She hates water unless she is on dry land or on a large floating vessel. I knew her response wasn’t OK, but sometimes you gotta choose your battles. I knew this was a battle I was not emotionally able to take on. So not able. So. Not.

A few minutes later, a little boy rejected the teacher too – but he was nice. He softly said, “No… I’m all done.”

I said to myself, “That was nice. I like it when people notice nice things about my kids and tell me, so, Self… tell that mom how nice that was.”

So I did.

Here’s what I got back, “Oh, he knows yelling would NEVER fly in OUR house.”




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