Newby: The Beginning

by | Apr 12, 2004 | Family & Friends, Joel, Olivia | 1 comment

I am a newby to the blogging world. At first I thought it was merely for the sake of journaling, but am finding there is so much more. As I read the blogs of others I feel a bit intimidated. I am not a writer, and word creativity is not my forte.

However, my main goal is to write about my kids… 2 of the biggest SPOTS in my life. I want to have for the future a clear picture of who they were in the past. I want to track their accomplishments, track their struggles. I want them to know my feelings and thoughts about them at each new stage I can write about. Children change so quickly and both are so much different now than they were even 2 months ago. Joel is 4 and 1/2 (the “half” is VERY important) and Olivia is 23 months. In 3 months my kids will be 5 and 2 – different ages and new twists in their personalities. It’s exciting and it is exhausting.

There are other SPOTS in my life too, and I am looking forward to developing those areas in my blog as well. Who knows, perhaps one day I will see myself as a writer:)

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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