OK, friends. THIS makes ME laugh.
i o lucy lol
Lucy is an emergent speller. She has no idea what she wrote (other than her name), but she writes… hoping to someday spell something other than her name. “Is that a word, Mom? Is THAT a word…” I LOVE watching this process. Besides, she wrote “lol”… clearly, she will become really good at Twitter and also texting. Makes a mother proud to see such innate gifting.
But the picture… She drew this a few weeks back. It’s a picture of her. And me. I’m the one with the hair all over and big flower hands. She’s the one with the side pony-tail. She likes to do her own hair, and her own pony tails often does end up on the side-ish. She’s a mess and I love that about her.
Honestly, children’s drawings in general, make me laugh. Their struggle with fine motor skills… their interpretation of eyes, fingers… and toes.
I am always relieved when my kids draw happy pictures. Which is all of the time… Praise glory. To me it means that they are probably basically happy little people and I probably haven’t totally destroyed their hope for the future. You know, because making them empty the dishwasher, take showers or *sometimes* yelling at them to get their shoes on could potential crush their little spirits. Right?
It makes them stronger, I say. Just talk to Tiger Mother.
Another thing that made me laugh recently Meg’s (Whatever) post about men in belted sweaters. In fact – it SLAYED me. I passed the link onto my husband and his buddy Scott have men in belted sweaters profile pictures over there on the FB. Way to go Meg – you have impacted a little corner of Kitsap County! Here’s just a taste of what she shared.
{this picture was lifted straight from Meg at Whatever}
You MUST click over and see the entire work of, uh… eye candy??? You will NOT be disappointed. One easy piece, indeed…
Happy Monday, friends… May you laugh… If not at you, or not at me… then at men in belted sweaters.
Peace and sparkles <3
P.S. I think Men in Belted Sweaters would be THE BEST BAND NAME EVER!
P.P.S. OK, I’m going. For reals now. I mean it.
P.P.P.S. I really mean it!
P.P.P.P.S. Really.
P.P.P.P.P.S. For realsies.
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