I nearly lost my drawers.

by | Apr 4, 2005 | Joel, Lucy, Olivia, Parenting/Family | 5 comments


I nearly lost my drawers.

Friday morning, I decide to venture out on my own with all 3 kids. On my own. FOR THE FIRST TIME. Plus, the bug guy needed us gone for 5-6 hours:)

On my agenda: Target, the mall play place, and fast food. My pride took it’s fall (and I’m not talking about the plan to feed my kids fast food) at the very beginning, and we never made it to the mall…

I thought I was “all that” with Lucy in her car seat hanging on one arm, a caramel macchiato in the other hand – what a trendy little mom, ehh?

I had Joel (5) grab one back pocket of my jeans, and Livi (2) grab the other. The purpose was to safely guide my precious cargo through the dangerous Target parking lot. I was feeling pretty grand and self-important as we neared the curb.

Pride comes before a fall they say…

My sweet and clumsy Livi took the curb like the graceful swan she is  aaaaaaaaand nearly pulled my pants down with her! Carrier and babe on one arm and latte in the other, my preventative resources were consumed.

FORTUNATELY, I was wearing some of my long maternity shirts (4 weeks after birth, but who’s counting), and nothing was revealed. However, nothing had to be revealed in order for the average onlooker to know what had happened. Though I didn’t completely lose my drawers, I did lose some pride that sunny Friday morning…

In case you were wondering, our fast food lunch was fairly successful… if one discounts the drink that Livi knocked to the floor before she even got to take a sip.


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Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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