Here's the deal…

by | Apr 12, 2011 | Blog, Photography | 1 comment

I should probably just go ahead and create a new JOtS newsletter, but not tonight.


Which reminds me, have you signed up for my newsletter?

I send it monthly. Like a woman’s cycle. Except it’s never been delivered on a monthly basis. Actually my newsletter arrives in one’s inbox with as much regularity as a woman who thinks she may be pregnant, but it was just a scare because eventually the period newsletter comes.


This analogy is not really flowing…

Heh. “Flowing”… “Aunt Flo”… I digress.

A whole heck of a lot.

And my newsletter (not so much talking about a woman’s cycle anymore…) it’s not necessarily “news” in the traditional use of the word “news”.

Nor is it a “letter”.

But somehow when one puts “news” and “letter” together, it just seems right.

Like peanut butter and chocolate.

Like coffee and chocolate.

Like chocolate and chocolate.

And whathaveyou…

You know how I like pictures… And if you don’t know that I like pictures… I’m tellin’ you, I like pictures. It would seem I would like pictures of me… but I am always with me, so I am just easier to get pictures of. Did I just call me easy?

    April collage
  1. Jenny waits for the bus. Every day she does suchly.
  2. Jenny cleans. Every day she does not do suchly.
  3. Oh coffee. Yes, daily such-like. On this day, paired with a blueberry lemon scone.
  4. Children’s theatre hangover.
  5. The necklaces all the little girls from the play like to pet and swoon over. I can’t blame them.
  6. Cutest. Dalmatian. EVER.
  7. Bus stop treasure – worm. Not MY treasure. I *eeeewed*.
  8. Highway robbery. LITERALLY. Well, not “literally”, but practically literally.
  9. Flowersies from my fren Lisa. She inspired this vlog from yesterday.
  10. I told Lucy, “Hey let’s make DUCKFACES!” She was all, “I did a QUACK face MOM.” She’s trouble, that one.
  11. Kevin. Read: DOG HAIR.
  12. I am smiling because of the sunshine. I am also waiting for the bus. AGAINS.
  13. A love note from a lovely friend who is also a barista… HANDY, NO?
  14. There is no time to fuss about socks not matching. But there is time to take a picture of unmatching sockssesses.
  15. A dalmatian photo bomb!

P.S. I made a video response to the video responses I got from my vlog yesterday. But I can’t get to the editing until… yadda, yadda… my next post is a response – pinky swear! Not that you care, but I like to pretend that you do… Would that be called FAUXdependent?


  • Have you joined me over at Memories in Motion? We’re talkin’ about all kinds of stuffs. Lots of talk of Easter and being overhwlemed happenin – here.
  • Expensive, pretty necklace of Awesome – here… Woogie – here… and Freschetta – here.


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Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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