That title about sums up this post. I work from home… Day… Night. Because there is no 9-5 in this bidness. And sometimes from coffee shops (socialization/people-watching is critical). These are glimpses into my mania productivity:
This picture is titled: Eye Yey Yey Yey Eye.
Some folks have a water cooler to gather-round at work. Some folks have a break room or something. I have my iPhone and Photo Booth. And Twitter.
This next one I shot as a re-enactment of one time when I was checkin’ out some blogs and auto-play music came on AND TRIED TO TRUMP MY MINDY GLEDHILL, Y’ALL. See how I was just about fixin’ to go strangle some blogger? Knock-off the autoplay, people!
And then there’s Kevin… My co-dependent dog who has turned me into a blogger that posts pictures of her dog.
He has subtle ways of reminding me he is only a lick away…
I’ll spare the picture of the pee puddle on my bathroom floor because my youngest one didn’t make it all the way to the potty in the middle of the night WHILE I WAS WORKING.
No hour is sacred. None.
Happy weekend, friends. Sparkle on and stay caffeinated.
And use cross walks.
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