I really, really, really, really want to post about BlogHer and all the wonderful people I met and, and, and… but when one lands smack dab into real-life…
BlogHer 2009
I mean, real-life kicked in with a vengeance, so did my hangover. Two days after. Who knew. Maybe the BlogHer hangover should be called The HangovHer… crazy much? I can’t even post that pic, but I am just shameless enough to link to it.
You must be asking, “Why, Jenny, why don’t you have time to write a much-anticipated obligatory BlogHer 3-Part Post?” Because…
The buckling and fretting over Bunny Pooh’s comfort just. might. kill. me.
And I refuse to buy Lil Miss Bunny Foo-Foo here a booster. Re. Fuse.
So. In the meantime, here is a little spoonful of goodness from BlogHer 2009. I may start calling it “GlittHer” because, well… Look, here’s my glitter GlittHer posse:
From left to right… meet the Awesome bloggers of: Liz of This Full House, Diana of the Princess and the Pea, Shannon of Phat Mommy, and the Dynamic Duo (of whom I will devote one post to just those home-girls!) Chris and Kim of 3 Giraffes! And then me.
I might be under-dressed. *scratches head* I am just head-over heels about these ladies. I met 3 Giraffes last year, and we rode the party plane to BlogHer. I met Diana last year too! I just met the Shannon and Liz this year, and have a bit of a crush on them. Just quality women who bring a smile to the face and heart.
But who did I live with? These ladies! (sans Amy, *pout*).
From left to right: Kelly of Mrs. CPA, Me, Sheila of And All The Jones Men, and Jessie of Mrs. Ca. We had another gal too – Amy of Ashley and Audrey. I know I’ll find a pic somewhere! (BTW, that bag hat and bagged bottle of wine are MINE. I just let Mrs. CPA borrow them for the pic. She would not stoop to such levels.
I had NEVER met any of these ladies before. Never. 5 of us lived in BlogHer harmony… in one room. I tell ya folks, it can be risky. I feel the most blessed because I think I had the greatest potential to tick those ladies off. I was always the last to come home, and as much as I hate to admit this, I am pretty high-maintenance. It’s all the hair. It takes forever to dry, and I actually wore make-up. I realized it takes me all too long to actually get ready. I never spend that kind of time at home… I mean, Bunny Pooh could care less if I put on mascara.
Anywho. My BlogHer 09 roomies were truly made out of Awesome. So gracious and patient and hilarious. Thank you ladies for letting me invade your space and I’m sorry if you are having a hard time getting rid of that glitter. It’ll all eventually go away. Eventually. Prolly. I hope. Don’t hate me. Pweese…
I so wish I could go on about all the great people I met right this very moment. *sigh* Since I cannot, I figured I start with the people I spent the most time with. Cute-little cheeky kisses, hugs and spritzes of glitter to all of you!