I’ve been working on a post. Trying to recap feedback I got on the survey I did WEEKS ago.
It’s taking too long so I decided to stop and make a list. I am ex-to-the-hausted and making a list helps alleviate the stress. But before the list, a picture… Because there always needs to be a picture…
Picture cred: Lotus: Flickr here… Sarcastic Mom here. She took this at Blissdom. I remember that night. I was sexin’ cheesin’ it up for the camera/Lotus. Rare. I know. Who’s the guy? Jim – Busy Dad Blog, duh! We were on stage. Dancing. Because it is what we were born to do. Jim, you were born to do that, right? Am I speaking out of turn?…
P.S. Lotus – KISS. KISS.
Now. A “10 things” list. Give or take…
- So here I sit. Letting my mind create a 10 things list. Since I am having a hard time coming up with a topic, this is #1.
- Oooh – I’m gonna go count my scarves…
- 39
- I have 39 scarves.
- I. I. I don’t know what to say.
- Other than this, “Hey. My neck gets cold and also scarves are the new black.”
- Remember my junk drawer haul? Thinking I’ll be doing a scarf haul VERY soon.
- Seriously. I think that is probably too many scarves. But I can’t think of one that should be sacrificed. They all serve a purpose.
- To keep my neck warm
- And also to be very cute on my neck.
- Neck is kind-of a funny word.
- I told my kids today if they lose their toothbrushes, they’d have to buy a replacement from ME.
- Seriously. WHERE DO THEY GO???
- Toothbrushes don’t have legs.
- We can’t use them in bed.
- Nor on the stairs.
- Nor in the garage.
- Nor on a bike.
- The kids MUST brush everyday. Hitherhencetofore, if a toothbrush goes missing, they MUST replace it. With one that I have “in stock”, and they will PAY ME.
- I’m not losing my retirement to lost toothbrushes.
- Maybe to scarves… I will risk retirement for a cute scarf.
- But not for lost toothbrushes.
- Priorities, people.
- I am a woman with priorities.
- And a lot of scarves.
- And a few extra toothbrushes in my bathroom that are available for purchase.
- The end
- And that was more than 10.
- If I make it to 39
- then that’ll be like
- how many scarves I
- have.
- How
- cool
- is
- that?
Are you a hoarder? A borderline hoarder? What do you have too much of? This week I’ll be over in the Memories in Motion community – talking closet organization… Because apparently I need to make more room for my scarves.
Keep up on the ridiculous, the insightful, the always digressive…
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