Well… there’s MY daddy…
Love. Him.
The only thing I love more than him watching him love MY babies…
And then there’s the man with which I made babies…
Eeek. Scary daddy!
And hot daddy with another hot daddy…
Nothing quite as hot as a man working in a kitchen.
*fans face*
Without that guy at the sink), I would be without these crazy people…
Thank you, my husband, for making and raising people with me… and for being a wonderful, brilliant, tender, and tough daddy. That’s sexy.
Thank you to MY dad… for taking the long road with me. I know I baffle you, but you still make me feel like love me all the same 🙂
And I wish I had a picture of my father-in-law within easy reach to share. We miss you (especially little Livi), and I am forever thankful for the impact you have made on my life.
All these men have forever changed me.
Happy Father’s Day to the dads… to the ones we celebrate with waffles and bacon… and the ones we celebrate in loving memory…
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