I have this friend I met on a blogging trip… oh… 2 years ago. 3???
Her name is Meg Duerksen. She is the author of Whatever. Co-mastermind of Craft Weekend (oh dream of all dreams *sigh*…).
And amazing talent behind this shop right here.
Today’s post is to tell the world about Meg’s sweet online shop where y’all can order goodness for the walls of your home. I want to thank Meg for gifting me her Bubblegum Machine canvas and helping happy-up my neutral walls.
I have longed for Meg’s bubblegum print for a long time. And then one day I got an email from Meg asking if I would share with my people about her venture and I was sent probably the happiest piece of happiness every to grace the walls of my home…
What I love about this print (besides the colors and the happy) is how so many colors fit so well in my home. I have been wanting to add more color into my life (and home)… and honestly Meg is to blame for that little bee in my bonnet. After we met, I became a fan of her blog and have been so inspired by her use of colors ever since.
But it can be scary to add lots of bold colors!
That blue star you see in the picture? A direct influence of Meg and her colors-of-the rainbow approach to life. Baby steps.
I don’t mean to sound obsessive about Meg, but I really have been deeply affected by her photography, her creativity, her faith, and her use of color. I tend to lean toward safe stuff – in all areas of life. As I watch how Meg brings color into her life, I walk away thinking… how can I add more to my own??? I WANT TO BE LIKE MEG!
Living in the often gray Pacific NorthWET, I find the use of color to be more and more important… to brighten our environment and to lift our spirits. I can’t make the clouds go away outside, but I can add sunshine… ooooor in this case… a bright, fun bubblegum machine canvas.
You may be able to see by my decor I lean toward the neutral.
(Please ignore my slouch couch pillows. My couch is almost 15. We all know what age does to things that were once perky…)
Neutral is not bad. But as my life feels more and more neutral, and as I seek-out something more deep within, I have identified a need for color.
Inside my brain and surrounding my physical self.
You can see how I styled my print above. ALL THOSE COLORS WORK. In the photo below you can see how Meg has styled hers:
I want to go to there.
I will get there. Baby steps.
But I also love how one can still be neutral, aaaand bring in color. We all love different things…
A traditional, lovely piano can TOTALLY live next to a picture of a big-ol’ bubblegum machine. Oh, and in case you are wondering, that cute little girl in that picture is me when I was not as old as I am now. I really AM a natural blonde!!!
If you get a hankering to add color or be inspired by color or if you just want to fill your eyeballs with lovely pictures and lovely stories… visit Meg at Whatever. And when you want to give your walls a lift… surprise your family with a treat… visit Meg’s Shop.
Seriously, I opened up my print and hung it on the wall before my family got home. I wish I’d had my camera rolling when they saw our bubblegum art. It really was a sweet gift to my family too. We ALL adore it. It is not only a happy piece for me, but for all of us.
It is so cute and sweet how invested even my kids are in the decor of our home. But I guess it’s their home too, and I LOVE it that we have a sweet piece of art created by a friend and just a great gal living somewhere in Kansas.
I hope you stop by Meg’s shop at Big Cartel. Check out the bunting. The map prints. Watercolors. Dandelions. Lots of simple sweetness visioned by a good mom and a treasured friend. Christmas is coming (I hate to remind us, but IT IS!!!). From gifting to others to gifting to yourself or won family… I just hope you’ll stop by and enjoy and be blessed and maybe buy something and support a truly great gal.
So there.
Wouldn’t this sunflower picture be SO PERFECT for fall? FALL IS COMING!!! I love decorating for Fall…
A note about quality: these are professional quality gallery wrapped canvases that comes with a sturdy, black backer board and pre-installed hanging hardware. Not like the canvases one purchases for DIY purposes at Michaels. Meg is a quality gal with quality standards. You choose to invest in this, and you are chooing to invest in something that lasts and something that will delight not only you, but your family and I guarantee visitors will ask you, “Where did you GET THAT?!!!”
*Screenshots of Meg’s work used with permission*