Dear Aching Uterus,
I’m done.
No really… I am DONE.
I have 3 spawn Lights of My Life that give me all the stress chaos joy one woman with2personalities could possibly handle.
But what is this? This strange feeling… this, this… little ache I have been feeling?
A friend’s newborn here, a newborn there… here a newborn, there a newborn, everywhere a newborn… all warm and snuggly. Those infant heads… so soft and sweet.
*rubs uterus*
Then the memory of coming home with a new person… Such fear, yet such joy.
Fear, uterus. FEAR.
I ache?
However little. It is there.
No Sleep, Uterus. NO SLEEP.
What the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks, Uterus!?
Listen, Uterus… I have gotten 8.5 hours of sleep – STRAIGHT sleep the last 2 nights. And that brings a great deal of joy to me ask well.
Perhaps this will always be. The internal struggle – loving the warm, sweet breath of the newborn vs. loving the warm, sweet feel of my pillow for 8.5 hours straight.
And also my body. Not much difference, at this point, between me being pregnant and throwing my body in front of a truck.
Your Host
It’s OK folks. I’m OK. I won’t do anything crazy… like get myself knocked up.
But, I am so surprised that I would ever feel sweet on the thought of me and babies ever again. They’re tiny, warm, cute, and wicked-sweet… but they’re brutal.
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