Do you know?
What DO you get when you’ve been blogging for an entire decade?
A 10 year old blog?
10 years of selfies?
Maybe you get sideways looks from people wondering why you are not a rich and famous blogger (I mean, TEN YEARS!) and surely they are thinking you have been doing it all wrong since you should have millions of readers and record blogging companies (?) must be pawing for a piece of you.
Surely there’s a unicorn or something to be had by now.
I mean.
Then I realize it’s me that is thinking all that and in reality all those people I thought were so focused on me and my blog is, in fact… far too preoccupied with their own image of self-worth and problems to be worrying about my 10-year-old blog.
Furthermore, I am blogging about my 10 year anniversary a day late because … of life.
Lifestyle blogger is lifestyle blogging.
Sure, I could have scheduled time to write about this major anniversary ahead of time. I could have spent hours curating a giveaway. I could have planned some kind-of online party.
And I really wanted to.
But folks… Life.
Oh how quickly all the things pass and while writing about life, and sharing pictures (and videos) of life is something I love, love, love to do…
Life is what we do.
Sometimes… blogging can really get in the way of experiencing life.
So instead of staging and planning life around what is sharable, I have been… living.
I just learned how to bake bread…so I have been practicing. Baking a gorgeous loaf of braided bread gives me immense personal satisfaction, and leaves me feeling quite sexy…
My house is on the market and someone wanted to see it recently, so it had to get cleaned… and since it’s on the market that’s just a whole other level of distraction.
Spring break just ended.
I took the kids to the park this past week – TWICE.
My blogaversary is also my husband’s birthday so I baked the most amazing cupcakes ever. I am not even over-complimenting myself.
Recipe via @Bakerella HERE.
Yummy life.
And today, in an effort to make my pedicure last… I bought cheap polish ::similar:: to the color I paid to have professionally applied to my toenails over a month ago.
A quick coat of cheap polish would give a good 1-2 more weeks of life to my pedicure, right?
Guys… I don’t even know how it happened. Before I knew it, I had nail polish all over my big toe, the stool I set my foot on, AND THE KITCHEN COUNTER. Then I tried to wipe the drip on the counter with my finger and then suddenly I had nail polish schmeared on every digit of my left hand.
Read: the polish drip went from drip on the counter to multiple schmears.
Unrelated: I don’t care for the word SCHMEAR.
I paused for a moment.
I paused long enough to recognize I had recreated a scene from my own toddlerhood/horror movie and went upstairs to retrieve the nail polish remover. While there I thought, “Just take a breath. Slow down. This is NOT THAT HARD, JENNIFER.”
I don’t call me “JENNIFER” very often.
That’s when I know I’m in trouble.
But it was THAT. HARD.
I proceeded to paint not only my toenails, but all over the toes of my right foot.
I finally had to remove ALL the polish from my big toe and start over.
Ahhh. That’s better.
And then I schmeared that.
So I removed the polish from my big toe again. Thinking I’d try again.
Then I removed schmeared polish from my hands and feet.
Then I stepped back.
And gave up.
No, really…
I gave up.
Then I went downstairs and cleaned the nail polish off the kitchen counter.
And then I ate a cupcake.
And then I ate another.
Later in the day I decided I needed to change into a different pair of yoga pants…
Don’t judge… the cupcake incident may or may not have influenced my need to find a more stretchy comfortable pair of yoga pants.
And upon said yoga pant removal, I discovered I had NAIL POLISH SCHMEARS ON MY BUTT.
I am a child… except children are usually born with opposable thumbs and today I could possibly make a case that could stand up in court that I was NOT born with opposable thumbs.
The lesson in all of this???
Just because I blog, it doesn’t mean I am good at painting my toe nails.
Well, at least I am pretty good at taking selfies…
Never mind.
10 years or bust?
I know…
Peace and sparkles, friends.
This journey is only fun and worthwhile because of you. Your encouragement. Your ideas. Your feedback. Your silliness.
I especially like it when we giggle together.
Here’s to 10 more, ehh?