I enter, say… a coffee shop.
I strike up a conversation with a fellow coffee consumer (my words in italics):
What’s your name?
Jenny. What’s yours?
*both look at feet and/or mobile devices*
Waitin’ for your coffee, ehh?
Uh, me? Yeah. I like coffee…
The riveting conversation continues…
So. What do you do?
Besides drink coffee?
*pause… pause… pause*
I’m a vlogger.
*blink blink*
Aaaaanywho. Then I ramble about YouTube and iMovie and BlogHer. I may or may not mention Twitter, and you know it has gotten out of hand if I mention SEO…
Before I know it I feel like what I imagine those comic book/Star Trek enthusiasts feel like when they try to share their passion about The Green Lantern or Dr. Spock.
I just wish I could tell folks like “Pat” to go to BlogHer in San Diego… I’ll be talking all about this VLOGGING stuffs at my panel on Saturday, Aug. 6 at 10:45, yo!
Social Media Geek | Video Blogging U
And I will be in good company! Carley Knobloch of Digitwirl… who, by the way was my roomie at Evo, lucky me! Below is a picture of us trying to be brave on the gondola we almost died on:
… and Corinne Leigh is also on the panel. And I just can’t wait to meet that girl.
I mean these ladies. SRSLY.
I could watch them all day. Soak up their awesome…
Aaaanywho. All that to say this, I am not a clogger. And I am definitely not a flogger.
I have said it before and I will say it again – I do not like the word “Vlog” nor it’s step-cousin “Vlogger”. But what alternative do I have? Personal video – Prideo? Online Video – Onlideo?
I’ll just go with “vlogger”.
Besides, I must confess… the look on people’s faces when they think I tell them I am a Flogger – is absolutely hilarious!
So. Ya comin’ to BlogHer in the SD? If so, Saturday. 10:45. Video Blogging U. BE THERE. Or be… I guess not there. I won’t take it personal. But if I do, I will make a vlog about it…
This is what I do…
Speaking of which… have you subscribed to my YouTube channel? WHY THE HECK NOT? Subscribe here. Only if you want… And even if you don’t want… just go ahead anyway. You have always been a little rebellious…
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