Maybe that title is a TAD bit DRAMATIC.
But. Here I am… house-bound… ish. Due to snow.
I am left wondering… what to write… what to write…
Do I write about the snow?
See? SNOW.
I could go on forever about the snow.
But I won’t today.
That’s so… so… PREDICTABLE.
You know what isn’t? A POST ABOUT OATMEAL.
= cue bom chicka wow-wow music =
That’s right. I cooked oatmeal while hunkered down for the big snowstorm.
And not just any oatmeal… Oatmeal with apple and cinnamon. No added sugar.
If ever oatmeal was sexy…
Oh. And I don’t cook my oatmeal with water. I use half milk and water.
Hey. You’re drooling…
And if you’ve ever boiled milk, you know…
You KNOW one must never walk away. For when you do… IT BOILS OVER AND MAKES A HUGE MESS ON YOUR STOVE.
100% of the time.
Oh I drive myself crazy.
I am actually a pretty capable cook. I am only afraid of yeast and merengue.
*An aside: I don’t care for the word yeast.
And when it comes to boiling milk? I am cursed.
Lucky for me, my husband thinks it’s adorable… how I boil it over 100% of the time.
Which means… I am the most adorable thing ever.
I won’t even start writing about my issues with setting off the fire alarm.
My kids are well trained. They may not know how to put their shoes away, but they are an impressive team when it comes to getting the smoke out of the house to make the fire alarm stop alarming.
I must away. I need to go scrub my stove.
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