Luna Triathlon Training: Week 3

by | Jul 25, 2006 | Health | 2 comments

Luna Triathlon Training: Week 3

Here are the digits: Swam 45 minutes of 80 scheduled, biked 70 of 195 scheduled, and ran 80 minutes of 120 scheduled. It’s better than nothing, but nowhere near I need. In my defense, I didn’t do nothing – hardly slept for that matter – I had a sick baby who had me up one night from 1:15 am to 4:30 am, the next day she woke up just as I was leaving to swim (I couldn’t leave my hot, miserable, fever-baby), and the next night we were up from 2 am to 4:30 am. That’s 3 days shot. 

I am a mere 2 weeks away from the Luna. I am coming to accept the fact that I will not out-perform my past times. Should I reveal those times? My pride says “no”, but the fool in me is louder… Here goes:

2001 Danskin – Swim 17:25, Transition 1 6:20 (forgot my helmet and had to go back – rookie), Bike 43:56, Trans 2 2:29, Run 32:46. Total time: 1:42:58

2003 Danskin – Swim 12:23 (the buoy’s moved, less than a half mile, so an impressive-looking time), Transition 1 4:44, Bike 46:34, Trans 2 2:05, Run 32:45. Total time: 1:38:32

What I’d like to see in 2006: Swim 16:00, Trans #1 4:00, Bike 40:00 (or under), Trans #2 2:00, Run 30:00 (or under) Total time: 1:32:00 hahahahahahahaha.

Seriously, I’d be very happy if I could get in at 1:40:00. I just don’t think I’ve been able to get enough time in to accomplish that. My pool swim is just over 16 minutes. The open water waves slow a person down. My run has been especially slow lately – even up to 36 minutes. I just can’t seem to push harder. And the bike – I have no idea – except that it is usually my weakest leg of the event. There are so many hills around here… there is no way to gauge my real time compared to the flat courses I will be riding…

Off to bed…

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