I was recently tagged by my girl Kathy of MamaKatTV over there on the YouTube to join in on this 5o questions TMI thing that has been making its rounds over there on YouTube.
You have to watch hers, she’s funny: view Kathy’s video here.
When I realized she tagged me I was all, “Whoa. 50 questions.”
And then I cut 30 minutes of me to under 11 minutes of me, and that’s pretty thoughtful of me… isn’t it?
How come you are not nodding?
Now, part of doing the tag, is the answer-er has to tag a few people too.
I tagged my girl Lucrecer because she is my favorite person to watch and listen to. She’s a happy place for me: check out Lu’s video here!
I tagged Vera Sweeney and Audrey McClelland because they are besties and are fabulous fashion and style gals and I wanted to learn a little bit more about them PERSONALLY : check out Vera’s video here and Audrey’s video here.
And I tagged Amy of Living Locurto because she’s just launching into YouTube and I thought I’d shove her out on the high dive. But she is taking a little time to to walk out so I am still waiting to for hers to get published, but you can check out her channel here!
I don’t know if you know this yet, but video is all the rage around school right now. But if video isn’t your thing, you can also check out all of these ladies’ blogs too!
- • Kathy at Mama’s Losin’ It
• Lucrecer (Loo Cree Shuh) at Lucrecer.com - • Vera at Lady and the Blog
- • Audrey at Mom Generations
- • Amy at Living Locurto
These gals cover it all… humor and writing and photography and fashion and style and parenting and DIY and crafts and just living. And I have met every one of them… HOW LUCKY AM I?! Visit their blogs, check out their YouTube channels… tell them JOTS sent you! Right?! Leave each space laughing… leave inspired… leave feeling like you met a new friend.
And gosh, if you just feeling like joining in, please do… and share the link to where you did in the comments! I’d love to check it out!