I own a pair of Birkenstocks.
And I am into flannel,
And coffee.
It’s been awhile since I’ve shared about what I am really into right now, so I figured it is time.
I will often share several things I am really into in one video, but my obsession with plaids and flannels and button-up shirts at-largeĀ has become so expansive – I devoted an entire video to this one fashion style.
Clearly plaid and flannely-type shirts are something I am really into right now.
How about you? What thing(s) are YOU really into right now. I am in the process of creating another Things YOU Are Really Into Right Now video (you can see my last one/first one here), so say your piece! I LOVE hearing from my friends about new things, cool things, make-life-easier things, yummy things, *insert YOUR-thing here*!