Things I’m Really Into Right Now… Episode #3

by | May 5, 2015 | The Love, Video | 1 comment

When life is just off the rails with the everyday, and your middle child turns 13, and you feel like lots of stories surround you… but none feel like they are yours to tell…

You may or may not end up talking about stuff.

Just stuff.

Hitherhencetofore… Things I’m Really Into Right Now.

Like Orphan Girl Bourbon Cream Liquor, and finials, and even lint shavers.

I mean, who doesn’t want to hear about one’s obsession with sketchnoting, finials, and lint shavers?



And you guys… the Orphan Girl Bourbon Cream Liquor. In the words of Jesse from Full House… HAVE. MERCY. You can find it here.

And you are welcome.

You want to know something else I am really into right now? I was just in Phoenix for the Mom 2 Summit and I had a dessert I had never had before.

And no, I am not on the Whole30 right now.

Because dessert + Whole30 does not add up.



In an effort to be totally transparent, because my world was rocked so hard the first night I had it. I ended up having budino again when I found it on the menu at another restaurant.

YOU. GUYS. BUDINO. Both times I ordered a salted caramel budino. And now I have searched Pinterest and have a couple of recipes bookmarked because THAT HAS TO GET DID.

But enough about me… have you had budino? What’s your favorite THING right now? Food? Music? Drink? Is it home decor-y? A life hack? Huh?! What things are making your life more delicious, or lovely, or simple or awesome right now?

*Amazon links are affiliate links, btw.

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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