I have thrown my name into the virtual hat more than a couple of times.
Currently – I am bidding for the title of the Balancing Act’s Top Blogger (stop snickering…).
If you need to get your voting finger warmed up for the coming elections – I am happy to help you with your training. [VOTE HERE] If I win I promise to… not make promises! I know my limits. See? I’m already fulfilling my promise to not make promises.
Back to the application that WORKED. In it I reveal 2 secrets (though they only asked for ONE – what can I say? Imma giver!), 2 pieces of advice , and interviewed a VERY important person…
Even without make-up and good lighting… It worked! I had to throw that puppy together on the heels of a very hectic week. I almost didn’t submit because, though you can’t see the end of my wits, I was at my wits end at the filming of this. Or maybe you can.
Regardless… it worked and I was chosen to be contributing iVillage iVoice!
Click on the badge above to see how they decided on the 15 iVoices… and unless there is a big hiccup (and there very-well could be… my video didn’t export right the first time…*yawn* for you but *stress* for me!) My first piece will go up on Tuesday. It was inspired by this post.
I’m sorry. This post has been all about me.
How are you? You look quite lovely, sitting there in the light of your computer screen. Have you been working out?
Keep up on the ridiculous, the insightful, the always digressive…
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