You Know You’re a Sister When… (for the Sister Project)
…she is not around, you feel naked without her.
And sometimes when you take a picture when you are both wearing strapless dresses… You LOOK naked whether she’s there or not.
A sister is someone who rubs your shoulders on your 5 child’s BIRTHday…
Or takes plenty of pictures at Baby# 5’s birth so that no one will ever forget “Baby” #2’s reaction when she sees her little brother for the Very. First. Time…
A sister is someone you played soccer with back in the 70’s…
Roomed with in college, and lived to tell about it at BlogHer ’08…
You don’t have to be grown to have sisters. My girls have found their “sisters”…
My sisters, though we are grown, still play with me…
“Dress-up” with me…
Dance with me…
Glitter with me…
PhotoBooth for me…
Love coffee with me…
Pose with me…
… and then pose some more…
…sideways at stop lights with screaming children in the van, while blasting Lady Gaga…
And they even still snuggle me..
My sisters… they are a part of Me.
And the best of me is because they give the best of them.