The Sister Project

by | Jul 31, 2009 | Family & Friends | 10 comments

You Know You’re a Sister When… (for the Sister Project)

…she is not around, you feel naked without her.


And sometimes when you take a picture when you are both wearing strapless dresses… You LOOK naked whether she’s there or not.

A sister is someone who rubs your shoulders on your 5 child’s BIRTHday…

Birthday #1

Or takes plenty of pictures at Baby# 5’s birth so that no one will ever forget “Baby” #2’s reaction when she sees her little brother for the Very. First. Time…

Birthday #2

A sister is someone you played soccer with back in the 70’s…

Jen and Jen in 197?

Roomed with in college, and lived to tell about it at BlogHer ’08…

Jen & Jen BlogHer 08

You don’t have to be grown to have sisters. My girls have found their “sisters”…

Lucy & Bella

Livi & Haley

My sisters, though we are grown, still play with me…


“Dress-up” with me…

sisterhood sunglasses

Dance with me…



Glitter with me…


PhotoBooth for me…


Love coffee with me…


Pose with me…

Lisa & Jenny

… and then pose some more…

…sideways at stop lights with screaming children in the van, while blasting Lady Gaga…

Jenny & Lisa

And they even still snuggle me..


My sisters… they are a part of Me.


And the best of me is because they give the best of them.


Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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