I’ve been uploading Monday Minute videos over there on the Facebook each week, but have been on the road so much they haven’t made it to here.
The traditional Monday Minute is back and it looks like we are in for quite a week of observances! In addition to buying a box (or two) of Hostess cupcakes…. also prepare to memorialize lost socks, cheer for buttons, create a limerick or two, clean your room, and gather the ingredients for your favorite cocktails!
How about socks… do you have more unpaired socks than matching ones?
And what about buttons? Don’t you think they deserve a little HURRAY every now and again? I mean, without buttons… flannel shirts wouldn’t be as cool. I mean, without buttons, WE WOULDN’T HAVE REMOTE CONTROLS FOR OUR TELEVISIONS.
And let’s not forget about World Cocktail Day. What is your favorite cocktail? I think I’m leaning toward mixing something with champagne. Probably Bourbon.
I look forward to reading about what you are up to this week and include the usual challenge – what can we each be doing this week to make it a good one?