The Monday Minute: It’s LEAP DAY!

by | Feb 29, 2016 | The Monday Minute, Video

It’s LEAP DAY, y’all!

And it’s Monday, so that means it’s time for the Monday Minute (or two)… in which I try to help make a case of The Mondays a GOOD thing.

So I basically hope everyone chimes in with what they are doing to make the day and/or upcoming week good… and I dig around the internet to see what we have to look forward to all week.


So… what are you going to do to make today/this week great?

Since Tuesday is World Compliment AND Share a Smile day – you can definitely start practicing today! Heck – just load people up with compliments and smiles ALL week, right?

And in case you missed my video on HOW to receive compliments (it’s an oldie!)… I’mma put it right here… in case you end up needing to use the technique on Tuesday… on account of that great smile you have:

Alrighty friends!

Happy Leap Day! Happy Monday! And Happy week! Catcha later, y’all!

Peace and sparkles!

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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