The Monday Minute: Happy Holla Daze, y’all!

by | Dec 12, 2016 | The Monday Minute, Video

Hey hey hey!

It’s that time of the week again… MONDAY. 

Happy Holla Daze, y’all!

It’s time for the Monday Minute (or two), in which I try to help make “a case of the Mondays” a good thing.

Today is Gingerbread House Day, and tomorrow is National Cocoa Day. Thursday is Wear Your Pearls Day, and then Friday is National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day.


Looks like there is loads to do, ya know… since there is NOTHING else going on all month.

Two days after I shot this video I mis-counted the steps I had to go down in my entry and I ended up falling and rolling my ankle. I am currently typing this post after being in bed most of the afternoon. The swelling has gone down quite a bit, but it is still swollen. And rather tender.

I’m thankful I didn’t break my ankle. I’m amazed it didn’t happen, actually. I think I’d have had to be checked into a funny farm if that had happened. I broke my baby toe 2 summers ago and that made me stir crazy. I can only imagine breaking something bigger.

So, I am starting this week thankful I do not have to go into a cast 2 weeks before Christmas/my trip to Hawaii.

Oh but look at me just blathering on about me.

Speaking of me, we had a snow day last Friday. We hit-up a nearby hill around 6 in the morning for some sledding and it was totally worth it. Thankfully that was BEFORE my big fall down the stairs.

The day before the big snow, I went wreath-making with my friends.

That didn’t suck.
Wreath Making

My wreath

I also bought a staghorn fern to hang in my house and I am all a flutter about it. Have you ever heard of staghorn ferns before? I had not and I am not OBSESSED. Here’s one I found on Etsy here:

Staghorn Fern

I especially love mine because it’s mounted on round slice of tree trunk, and I got it from a local shop – Thistle Floral and Home.

Speaking of obsessed… I am also obsessed with sleep. So I am going to wrap this up so I can get me summa dat. It’s a full week and mama needs her beauty rest. A LOT of beauty rest. 

Peace. Sparkles. And may your Monday be one that makes you want to do happy dances all day and stuff. xoxox.

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

I'm on the spot!

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