So today I take on a DIY on how to pimp out earbud and connector cords.
DIY: Personalize Cords Using Perler Beads
Who hasn’t wanted to pimp-out a connector cord or two?
Or at least – who hasn’t been frustrated by not being able to find your cord because someone took it because they thought it was theirs because… EVERY CHARGER CORD LOOKS THE SAME.
I was very excited to discover this here little craft. Here is what you will need:

1) A surface for cutting
2) Melty/perler/iron beads
3) A fork
4) A box cutter, X-ACTO knife, or very sharp, small knife
5) A cord
Use your X-ACTO knife to slice through one side of a bead. With the help of the tine of a fork, open up the bead. Then slip the bead over the cord.

You can keep it super simple and just add a few beads. It’s like a label, but a label of color.
Now, if I can just remember which color is mine…
Do you label your cords?
One note… perler beads can be a little stiff, so it make take a little effort to get them to open up and slip over the cord. Also, if you want to cover the entire cord, I suggest leaving a couple of inches of cord free of beads… otherwise the cord will not bend. Which means if you want to wrap the cord, you need a little flex room for the beads to let that happen.