Swine Flu Masks

by | May 6, 2009 | Artsy Craftsy, Video | 26 comments

Are YOU wearing a mask to help lower your risk of contracting the newest ultra-bug… The Swine Flu? Are you?

Swine Flu Masks

It’s hard isn’t it. Putting on a mask… Not only are they uncomfortable, but they aren’t very cute either. I have yet to see one eye a mask brings out the color of. It’s true. Ponder that. 

This has REALLY bothered me. But it bothers me no more. I have designed and created – with mine own 2 hands – 10 (yes you heard me)… TEN unique and may I say DESIRABLE Swine Flu mask designs. I decided the best way to share them with you would be via vlog…

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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