Wait. What am I writing about?
This is my back yard covered in snow:
Or weedy.
We don’t have grass. When my husband mows the yard, he mows weeds.
Cakes are better with frosting. Our yard is better with snow.
We got *about* 7 inches in one day!
That skinny little thing made that snowman in about 1 minute flat. No lyin’. I scooted everyone out the door… the next thing I know… Lucy was knocking on the door asking for a carrot. I looked outside and saw a full-on snowman needing a carrot for a nose.
The girl is like a little ninja.
Snow + Lucy = NINJA
Long, hard, but HAPPY life…
We had a madrona that has always leaned over the top of our drive.
He gave up on snow day.
About a minute after my husband drove beneath it… TIMMMMMBERRRRR!!!!
Below is the view from our road heading up to the house. Our driveway/road is a LONG gravel driveway that feels a lot like a road. I never know whether to call it a road or driveway.
And I forgot how much Kevin loves the snow too…
The mud. That’s not so fun.
Nor as pretty.
Thinking of my friends this holiday season. Merry Christmas, or MERRY ALL THE THINGS. Whatever suits your fancy… I just pray it is blessed with merry.
Don’t forget to visit Jenny On the Spot on Facebook. It’s just like here, but it’s not. You know, ‘cuz it’s Facebook, so… And Twitter. And YouTube. Definitely YouTube…
Peace and Sparkles!
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