I am a person of many interests. From the perils of the internet… to curiosity about coding… to the mind… to exercise…to photo editing and recently even a little bit of juicing…
Hitherhencetofore a post in which I share a few articles and a few apps that I just feel like sharing.
First things first… that evil Snapchat.
I have seen friends (parents) ask in places all over the web, “What do you think about this for kids?” Well, I think anything that is built to hide things ye olde ma and pa is not a good thing. But here is an article my friend Danielle shared on Facebook that explains the controversial app well, and talks about Why You Should Delete SnapChat.
Funny thing though, this article came out only days later about Snapchat… 4.6 Million Snapchat User Names and Phone Numbers Leaked (Check Yours)
Danger danger.
I recently road tripped to Colorado to spend Christmas with my family. Before we left I grabbed a few podcasts in iTunes to help ease the hours by. The one that came floating to the top was the NPR: TED Radio Hour Podcast. I learned about hackers and the brain and memory games and…
I am not one to dig into political discourse, so the NPR/TED podcast was a total winner for me. The podcasts take a few TED Talk-ers and create an hour radio program around a specific topic. If you ever have moments to listen to things that are truly interesting and educational all in one package. I recommend this podcast for sure. Grammar Girl and Stuff to Blow Your Mind are also favorites.
Speaking of the mind… In my new year’s post I shared a little about nixing the negative talk. It’s funny how minds work and how what we believe and how the notions we feed it really do shape it. I found this article: Scientists Finally Show How Your Thoughts Can Cause Specific Molecular Changes To Your Genes. I think you need to go read this article now.
I appreciated the author’s take and dry humor… making light on the fact that oh there is just so much.
I can’t even. But I try.
Speaking of oh-so-much… how about smart phone apps?
I rarely pay for apps, but there are two I dug deep for… at $1.99 each – Rhonna Designs & Word Swag are worth every penny.
You want proof? This picture of my coffee cup I filtered through one of the Rhonna filters and added text via Word Swag…
I think after over-thinking how healthy food could be unhealthy and learning about how powerful our minds and and then discovering the dastardly wasy of Snapchat, you might want to unwind… take a few pictures and dink around and make pretty and/or witty things.
Or is that just me?
How about you? Have you read any good articles lately. Are there any apps you’ve discovered that tickle your fancy? Or anything or something?