My husband and I don’t get to “the city” all too often. But we did on Saturday!
OUR band (using “our” loosely in that I occasionally sing one song and shake the tambourine when I can) was playing at a club for a private birthday bash…
SO. Whilstest we were in le city, I got to do some window shopping… A pre-funk of sorts… I took pictures rather that taking out my wallet!
Go me and financial responsibility!
It’s always more fun to go shopping with friends, so here are the pictures I took. That way it’ll kinda be like we went together. We got coffee at Starbucks, we shared nachos at the food court in Westlake… and you may or may not have had to keep me from licking this deliciously golden purse we saw at All Saints…
Oh golly, remember that ornamental cabbage in a bowl at Anthropologie? Who doesn’t love ornamental cabbage in a bowl???! I KNOW!
Then remember how I wouldn’t get out of this this supah-fabulous chair thing? I think it cost as much as a Vespa.
All that window shopping and keeping me from petting the pretty things made us hungry, so we had a late lunch at Westlake Center… Remember how we overlooked the monorail?
Then, while the guys set-up the band gear, we took a walk to the sculpture park and saw the coolest ampersand ever!
After more wandering about the lovely streets of Seattle it was time to get a real meal. Wasn’t Mama’s Mexican Kitchen yummy? That Elvis Presley burrito… yeah baby! And the Elvis Room… remember Squelvis?
Then it was time for the birthday party and remember my guy… singing and being all hot and stuff:
And remember my gimp at the end of the night because of these?
Which was, you know, TOTALLY WORTH IT, right?
We had fun that night… Let’s do it again!
Remember – the TEMPUR-Pedic bed (A WHOLE BED) entry deadline is September 19th! Details here!
Or how a pair of New Balance Minumus shoes? Huh? HUH???
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