Dear friends,
Meet Faith…
Faith is the daughter of @minivangirl & @justplainj.
Guess where I met them?
On Twitter. Gotta love this here interwebzies.
Well, their sweet 7 year old daughter, Faith, needs a service dog:
A trained service dog costs in the neighborhood of $14,000 and we are a single income military family. With your help and support we can make this a reality.
Faith is an amazing child with an infectious personality. She is a right hemisphere stroke survivor. She contends daily with multiple life threatening food allergies, mild Cerebral Palsy, Autism and Familial Mediterranean Fever Syndrome.
Faith has been paired with a puppy, Bella, who will begin training shortly. Many thanks to the incredible folks at Animals for Autism. What you do is spectacular.
Bella will open up the world for Faith. Together they will accomplish so many things.
(Quote taken from Raise the Woof community page)
If you live locally, swing by Bella Bella Cupcakes in Silverdale between 11 and 5… this Sunday, July 17th! The Central Kitsap Fire Department will have the trucks out at 11am and again at 3pm.
I repeat – FIREMEN WILL BE THERE… {remember} So…
And fun for the kids… there will be $5 Create-a-Cupcake for the kids, BBQ, and all auction goodies will be up for display. You can place your bid early at Bella Bella Cupcakes starting on Wednesday afternoon!
And if you DON’T live locally, well… the do make airplanes. #noexcuses *wink*
Questions? Leave a comment or you can drop me a line at jennyonthespot @ gmail . com.
Hope to see you there. Woof, woof! Raise the Woof!
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