But not in that particular order…
At first I was going to break the cardinal rule of blogging and be all, “I have nothing to write about!”
And then I was all, “LIES! You have plenty to write about!”
And then I was all, “Yeah! It’s just there’s TOO MUCH. It’s like you have a jewelry shop of tangled neckalces in your head! Dude. It’s a mess.”
And then I started to try to untangle the thoughts in my mind and I was all, “What’s with the metaphor?”
And then I was all, “I… am having… a conversation with… myself.”
Related: my son has been teasing me lately. He says that when I type on my computer (emails or tweets or facebook status updates or blog posts)… he says I make funny faces and move my mouth.
So that’s something to write about.
SEE?! I have THINGS.
You know what else?
Gus, our 7 month old Shih tzu schnauzer chihuahua poodle…

Did I tell you our house is on the market? It makes puppy shenanigans all that much more fun.
The good thing about having our house on the market is our house is pretty darn clean. The not good thing is… keeping it that way.
I’m exhausted.
However, I have to give props to my son. My 14 year old son. He’s being so blasted awesome about helping us keep this place ship-shape.
He’s a great kid.
Except when he teases me about how I emote with my face when I’m typing.
Speaking of sangria… (like how smooth I segue here?)… did you catch my sangria recipe from yesterday? I’m not kidding when I say, “YUM.”