Last week I introduced you to a new kind-of fight club… the PROTEIN FIGHT CLUB.
Remember that video where Milk took on Orange Juice?
*I want to send a big shout-out to MilkPEP for sponsoring this post here at Jenny On the Spot. All claims about my and my family’s love for milk are honest and sincere. Including but not limited to when we add chocolate to it.*
Today, I’ve been asked to share with y’all about free milk.
Yes… Free Milk by the Minute, to be exact.
It’s simple… every minute (every MINUTE) someone is winning a free gallon of milk. OH BUT THEN… one winner will win milk FOR A YEAR!!! HOLY COW!
*no pun intended*
Just visit The Breakfast Project here to enter for your chance to win a gallon, or a year’s worth of gallons of milk.
Who ever wins that… they will be their own Protein Fight Club. Seriously.
You gotta hop on over to the Milk Mustache Campaign on YouTube and check out all the hilarious videos of milk taking on various Protein Fight Club challenges. I mean, have you ever tried to eat an omelet in the car? When it comes to protein and our go, go, go lifetsyle… a glass of milk is a great way to go. To go, go, go, in fact!
But seriously, check out The Breakfast Project to enter for you chance to win, and then grab a glass of milk and try not to get lost in their hilarious videos about how milk smashes it’s protein competition!