A right of passage in childhood is having one’s mom bring birthday goodies to class.
Me, not being one to rob rights of passages from my children, I dared take cupcakes to Olivia’s class – Hot Chocolate Cupcakes.
{But I used a box mix and canned frosting}
{And Stacey and Nadine’s candy canes, because they are givers}
I think this story would best be told in a VLOG… (if you click on the image it will take you to YouTube. Either the embed code isn’t working or the embed code isn’t working… Go here for an explanation on words like embed).
Aaaaanywho. Now that the blood has become scab… wanna REALLY see?
I woke up the morning after with a limp.
Big scabs aren’t all that BENDY. So going down stairs has been all kinds of creative fun.
You know what else? I am in a fashion show in about a week.
Perhaps I am more “show” than “fashion”, but no need to laugh.
I just got my assigned clothing… hours before my big fall.
The hemline is ABOVE MY KNEES.
Not to mention the fact I may or may not be the best at NOT FALLING.
Bright side: great blog content.
Do you remember The Great Fall of 2010?
I am 5 foot not-quite 4 inches.
And I wear sometimesasize10shoe.
Have you ever tried walking with flippers on???
Hey. You looking for a cool $100 to Shutterfly? Check out my review site to find out how and learn about the new Sprite Parks Project!
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