I got a package in the mail last week.
To most, it would seem like an empty-ish package.
It was a packed with a few mailers tucked away inside. A package of packages, of sorts…
The package was from Pixorial… a package for me to send “old-school” video to them so they can work their magic… and send Mama DVDs so she can actually SEE what is on those old tapes! (By “old school” I mean — VHS, Mini-DV, Hi-8, Beta, VHS-C, CV and Digital 8.)
So… I have a few *ahem* I need to put in that box. A stack of Mini-DVs.
And I know I have a VHS of my wedding somewhere…
How did I learn about Pixorial in the first place?
Because I’m AWESOME and wicked-savvy always on cutting edge of the hottest digital and technology trends.
Because I was invited be one of the community leaders of BlogFrog’s Memories in Motion community sponsored by Pixorial! I’m a vlogger, it was an easy marriage…
I would LOVE for you to join me over at Memories in Motion… The community is not just centered around preserving your memories… Nope. We are talking about things like disaster preparedness, birthday party ideas, gardening, we’re talking green… With over 1,300 members, there is a lot of great conversation and idea-creating… and INSPIRING going on over there! Plus, I am honored to be leading with some FABULOUS women – Cindy of Skip To My Lou, The SITS Girls, Amy of The Idea Room, Michelle of Everyday Celebrating, Jen of Buried With Children, Danielle of Extraordinary Mommy, Amanda of Parenting By Dummies, and Angie of Seven Clown Circus… So, with those gals generating discussion topics and adding to the conversation, you know there will be some great conversation going on.
Keep up on the ridiculous, the insightful, the always digressive…
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