PIXMA COMIX Facebook App for gifts and fun and creativity!

by | Sep 7, 2013 | Sponsored | 4 comments

If you know me, which you probably do… as I over freely share my life. The lives of my kids… our moments of mundane, of fashion, of selfies, of family time, and so on and so forth.

I mean, our world is practically centered around the ease of capturing and sharing moments.

I want to send a big thank you (read: DISCLOSURE!) to Canon for providing me one of their lovely PIXMA printers so I could participate in this program and to help me share their very creative and highly sharable PIXMA COMIX Facebook app!

Screen Shot 2013-09-06 at 10.38.52 AM
(Read on, for Canon is providing one of YOU one of your own sleek and shiny – with very cool touchscreen technology – Canon PIXMA printers too!) 

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been playing with my new printer and the COMIX app. Once I got my installing-new-tech-stuff kinks worked out… I was able to let the creative fun take over.

The app is straightforward:

  • upload your pictures (directly from Facebook or your desktop)
  • pick layout (comic-themed!)
  • choose filter
  • add text
  • share (Facebook and Twitter), download and/or print right then!

Here is a strip I made… highlighting my parent’s visit. I saved it to my desktop so I have a .jpg for me and printed one out to send to mom and dad!

Pixma Comix Facebook app via @jennyonthespot

We had more fun that one collage could hold, so I made this one too:

Pixma Comix Facebook app via @jennyonthespot

I made-up a new word! My girls each get a print of this one. And since my new Canon PIXMA is a great photo printer, the girls didn’t have to wait for me to order prints. I just made them myself in minutes!


Ah…. launching into middle school.

Pixma Comix Facebook app via @jennyonthespot

Sure it’s pretty precious that we have this picture, but because the app is built to be sharable, this picture isn’t just ours to love. Oh, and I printed a copy for Livi’s friend to have too.  I just need to remember to put it in her backpack.

And a little gift for teacher. You know what’s handy about a photo printer? Uploading a photo from the teacher meet-and-greet on Tuesday, and bringing a sweet little photo card note on Wednesday. No ordering, no trips to the store… just a sweet and very personal note! (I crossed out detailed info in the pic, you know… because.)…

Now I don’t want to be selfish and be the only one to have fun playing with pictures! You don’t have to have a Canon PIXMA to use the app (click here to go to the COMIX app)! So try it out!

And after you try it out, come back here and share what you created to enter to win your own Canon PIXMA valued at $199.99!

Canon PIXMA 6320
Not a bad giveaway, ehh?!

Contest rules:

  • Leave a comment  here about what you created with the COMIX app. ONE entry per individual. If you shared it, somewhere… go ahead and share the link in the comment if you’d like!
  • You must be 18 to enter.
  • You must be a resident of the U.S.
  • Contest begins September 7th and ends midnight PST September 16, 2013.
  • Disclosure: Canon is the provider of the prize, but is not associated with the giveaway fulfillment.


I don’t just limit my creations to giving away, either. This is a shot of my journal from August 31… I like to print out pictures and add them to my journal from time to time. I love flipping through my to-do lists and doodlings and ramblings and finding happy faces smiling at me!


Don’t forget to visit Jenny On the Spot on Facebook. It’s just like here, but it’s not. You know, ‘cuz it’s Facebook, so…And Twitter. And YouTube. Definitely YouTube

Jenny On the Spot

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