First of all… let me just say this… It is impossible for me to ever become a Rockette.
Not because of skill.
Nor lack there-of. I CAN DANCE.
*exeption: childbirth*
I will never become a Rockette because at age *none of your business, but ond enough to sprout gray hair* I am 100% certain I have stopped growing and apparently you have to be 5’6″ to even GET to try out to be a Rockette.
If it wasn’t for the fact that I can barely clear 5′ 3″, you better bet your britches I’d be a Rockette.
Or I’d be a starving waitress in New York.
Or street performer?
While in New York in early August for BlogHer, I had the enviable privilege to enter the rehearsal hall side of Radio City Music hall… where my two feet did walk the halls of our country’s most famous high kickers…
Being a naturally excitable person to begin with, IMAGINE MY EXCITEMENT! I joined a group of blogger ladies and we learned some real-life Rockette dance steps… FROM REAL-LIFE ROCKETTES.
I almost had to pinch myself to remind me I wasn’t dreaming, except our two Rockette gals (pictured below – top right and top left) had us high kick and THAT, my friends… was almost equilavent to the pain of a pinch EXCEPT WAY MORE PAIN… and I knew I was not dreaming. *rubs hamstrings*
They even made us stretch, but friends. FRIENDS. Standing there… next to their REAL LEGS… watching the REAL LEGS kick, kick, kick, kick… I … you… It’s just unreal how high they kick with such ease. The only I can do with that much ease is type an elipsis… and pour coffee…
I’m going to be honest… it was hard for me not to stare at the dancers butts. I’m sorry. I just. They… *sigh* *does a few extra leg lifts* *gives up*
Of course, working out with a couple Rockettes wasn’t all the fun I had… I got to meet some pretty special ladies! In the picture on the bottom left – that’s me with Lela of After the Bubbly… YES IT IS! I was SO tickled to get to squish her face! And then in the picture on the bottom far right? THE ONE AND ONLY VODKA MOM. She has been a long-time inspiration to me… she has moved me countless times from deep-gut laughter to heartbreaking tears. What a privilege it was to meet her after so many years of reading her… Friends, I just about passed out. And that was BEFORE the high kicks!
Finally… I just want to send a special high-kick to Centrum for letting me be part of the event! Aaaaand the post-workout smoothie 😉
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