Herefollows my versions of @fatmumslim’s photo a day challenge. I was in Nashville 5 of the 10 days shared here. Which means I didn’t always take THE photo on THE day. Hey… just keepin’ it real…
Speaking of real, you know what I hate to do?
FOLD LAUNDRY. That was a no-brainer, folks.
Did you know I used to be a teacher? I had IMPECCABLE handwriting. My whiteboard writing skills were ENVIABLE. But since then, my handwriting has taken a nose-dive. Due to smartphones and typing. Therefore, I give you handwriting of my 6 year old. Which, to be honest… is not all that different from my own.
This is Lucy’s birthday wish list: Lala Loopsy Barbie Doll, stuffed animal (she is a stuffed animal FREAK… her tactile mind LOVES the touching of all things soft…), and an American Girl doll.
She also wanted a pony, a dog, and a laptop.
This is a favorite photo of me. I had a hard time with this… I mean… THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD PICTURES OF ME!
*crickets chirping*
*shofts awkwardly*
This picture is my favorite right now. Not taken on the 21st, but close…
I love this picture. I love my kids. They drive me absolutely mad and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Just tonight, Lucy took a nap on her daddy’s lap while the older two and I jump roped in the living room. I tried doing a cartwheel into the jumprope because Olivia can do it, so why can’t I?
*applies ice on small of back*
I work from home. But this was the day I headed to Nashville for Blissdom. So, this was where I did some work on Feb. 22…
My shoes.
I love everything about them.
Except the pain.
But like my grandma always said… “Pain for beauty, Jennifer.”
This picture wins the award for MOST BORING PICTURE EVER:
At least there is coffee in there.
At the Opryland Hotel. Green. It is what it is…
Night. This one ties for MOST BORING PICTURE EVER:
That Jon Acuff was one of the Blissdom keynotes. INSPIRING. That book on the tray? Quitter. I’ve made it through chapter two. Great book. I recommend…
What I ate:
Eggs. It’s whats for breakfast.
And money…
This is where I keep money. We have been doing the envelope system and have found it to be very effective. It takes some effort, time and organization… and I love it.
And on the 29th I listened to… rain and melting snow…
And it would seem we need to clean our gutters and eaves.
Add it to the list.
Add it to. the. list.
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