Packing School Lunches

by | Sep 2, 2008 | Food & Drink, Parenting/Family | 9 comments

School starts here tomorrow. I thought a school-related post would be appropriate. It is made possible by my dear friend Casey. 

Packing School Lunches

Now. I know Casey, and she has earned a position of esteem in my life as a woman who can organize (and also dance… but that’s not the point here…).

But you may not know that about her, so I’m here to tell you… Casey is an organizational Wizard!

That’s why when she shared about her 4-drawer lunch packing system, I knew I had to share it.

If you have kids in school, who eat lunch, here a great idea… straight from my friend Casey!

I love these drawers!!! I’ve used this system for two years. I just make the sandwich and the kids do the rest by picking one item from each drawer …


  • Juice boxes or milk (in fridge)
  • Fruit roll-ups/snacks/cups &/or fresh fruit (in fridge)
  • Chips/Snacks (I even do baggies of gold fish or crackers so they are individual servings – only takes a half hour or so and saves $$)
  • Treats – cookies or granola bars (This can be a reward if they do all of their morning preparation without being reminded 100x)

They also learn that they don’t get to have more than one item in their lunch… you don’t get to have an entire lunch of fruit stuff. I’ve made Mondays and Fridays “Lunchable” days – it’s a reward for all of us… I don’t even have to make the sandwich 🙂


  • One trip to Costco,
  • open box
  • pour contents in drawer
  • 🙂
Give kids a month to get the system down. I tell my kids that if they don’t get their stuff put in their lunch in time, that I’ll make their lunch… and that they won’t get a dessert and maybe they won’t get the chips they like so they are motivated to get to making their lunches!  I still “check” their lunches occasionally to make sure that they aren’t double-dipping (especially at the beginning of the year when the drawers are at their “prime-pickin'”).

Last year I had 1 in school, and I just let Joel get school lunches most days.

It was easier… not healthier or cheaper, but easier.

Anywhwho… This year I have 2 kids that will need lunches AND the lunch price has gone up.

I don’t need Einstein to help me do the math.

The best way for me to get my kids a lunch each day without me turning into a stressed-out monster is – to have a plan.

What I love about this plan is it requires the kids to play an active part in feeding themselves… and taking responsibility. My kids love independence and this gives them that – with boundaries.

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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