One Triathlon Down. One To Go

by | Aug 6, 2006 | Health | 7 comments

One triathlon down…

I’m home and only a little sore.

I thought the run would kill me, but my friend Katie was “the wind beneath my wings” as we bounced our way to the finish. Here are my splits, the drama to follow (like the feeling that during the run I would indeed die) in a later post…

Swim (1/2 mile): 16:20
1st Transition: 4:19
Bike (12 miles): 49:54
2nd Transition: 2:55
Run/Exaggerated Walk (3.1 miles): 33:44
Overall Time: 1:47:13

Two weeks to the next triathlon. I wonder if I can cut 9:54 off my bike and 3:44 off my run by then… Maybe I should keep focusing on not dying during the run instead… 🙂

Hi, I'm Jenny :)

Hi, I'm Jenny 🙂

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