I’m not at home.

I’m getting a good helping of Vitamin D and FOOD!
I am in South Beach with the National Pork Board as one of The Pork 5… representin’, keepin’ it real, and experiencing all the delicious pork I can get my hungry little hands/teeth on.
As of Thursday, I had only been to one event (The Q with Paula Deen)…

(That’s me.)
(If I look tired, it’s because I was.)
(It was a good tired, I PROMISE.)
At the Q I had baby back mac and pork belly sliders (Myron Mixon), BBQ beeft short ribs and mac-n-cheese with sweet bacon (Chris Lilly), braised pork cheeks on brioche with fried pickles (Robert Irvine), and pig face poutine (Duskie Estes & John Stewart). I got to chat with all these culinary grilling ninjas… but got to really dig in with Duskie for awhile! Duskie and I, we didn’t just talk pork and BBQ… we talked Converse too. She was wearing Wonder Woman Converse. Oh, and she is the Queen of Porc. LITERALLY.
I should have a picture of us. But I don’t. But I do have a fun video interview… to come later!
Aaaaand while at the Q I had champagne. Aaaand something delightful made with ginger beer and rum. Gotta cleanse the palate between tastings… right?
Honestly, I feel like what I think Charlie (Chocolate Factory, Charlie) must’ve felt when he found the golden ticket.
And now alls I want to do is grill. Go grill or go home? That should be on a bumper sticker, no?
Oh, and Friday morning there was the TODAY show…

I got to shake WIllie’s hand. I think he moisturizes and you know how I feel about moisturizing…
And Florida isn’t Florida without Flo Rida… Right?
And this was just Friday MORNING. We still had all of FriDAY and the night…
There are still 2 more days of food and becoming besties with awesome chefs. Speaking of awesome… due to a conversation I had with a Chris Lilly yesterday, I have decided one of my Take It On Tuesdays will be to take-on grilling my own ribs, y’all!
Has anyone ever grilled with a sweatband on?
I may have a southern accent too. Gotta get into the ROLE, ya know?
It’s happening. I’ll be using this recipe courtesy Pork Be Inspired and Chris Lilly.
Do you grill ribs? Have you already taken that on? If so, do you have a favorite recipe? Does the grill scare you? Do you use gas or charcoal? I have so many questions today! … I think we should have a grill-off. A JOTS grill-off – COULD. YOU. IMAGINE???… BBQ sauce, charcoal… GLITTER?!
*Disclosure: Just so you know, I am working with the National Pork Board this year… a Pork 5 member. Which means, I am at the Food Network South Beach Food and Wine Festival because of them, and I will be sharing about certain pork goodness throughout the year. I would have talked about bacon anyway, might as well make this thing official. And just in case it isn’t clear: all thoughts, musings, and digressions are my own.*